Yama in Yoga Sutras is the first step in Ashtanga Yoga, the eight-fold limbs of Yoga. Yamas represents a series of right living and ethical rules and norms. There are five Yamas – Satya (truthfulness), Ahimsa (non-violence, not hurting other beings physically or mentally), Asteya (non-stealing), Aparigraha (non –collecting, taking from nature only what one needs and not accumulating beyond one’s needs), and Brahmacharya (a balanced sexual life, essentially means control over your senses and living without over-indulgence. It can also mean celibacy for renunciants and monks). As you see all these contribute to the social model of conduct.

Patanjali Yoga Sutra 2.30

अहिंसा-सत्य-अस्तेय-ब्रह्मचार्यपरिग्रह यम:

ahiṁsā-satya-astēya-brahmacāryaparigraha yama:

The five external disciplines are not harming, truthfulness, not stealing, celibacy, and not being acquisitive.