
Welcome to this service of Yujyate.org. This User Agreement (the “User Agreement”) sets forth the terms and conditions which apply to your use of this website Yujyate.org. By accessing the Services and/or submitting any text, pictures or other content (“Content”) you signify your agreement to this User Agreement, our Privacy Policy and all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree to be bound by this User Agreement or the Privacy Policy, please discontinue your use of our Services.

Intellectual Property Rights

Unless stated otherwise, all trademarks, copyrights, patents and other intellectual property rights in and on our websites and all content and software located on the site shall remain the sole property of Yujyate.org. 

Express written consent from Yujyate.org is required for the use of our copyrights, trademarks, content and intellectual property.

You must not:

Sell or rent material from our website. Reproduce, duplicate, create derivative, copy or otherwise exploit material on our website for any purpose. 

Redistribute any content from our website, including onto another website. By submitting any Content you grant to Yujyate.org a royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable and non-revocable right and license to use, reproduce, display, publicly, modify, adapt, edit, publish, translate, distribute, perform, play, create derivative works from, exercise and sub-license all associated and relevant rights (including intellectual property rights and publicity rights) with respect to your Content in any media whatsoever, whether now known, or developed in the future (the foregoing license is granted for the entire respective terms of the relevant rights); and to the extent permitted by law, unconditionally and irrevocably waive all moral rights which you may have in your Content.

You retain ownership of the copyright in the Content you submitted to Yujyate.org. Furthermore by submitting your Content, you warrant that it: is your own original work and you have the right to grant the rights described above to Yujyate.org; was not produced by you in the course of your employment; does not infringe upon any statutory copyright or upon any common law right, proprietary right, or any other similar right of any third party; does not violate any law, including by the manner in which it was obtained or created; is not libelous, defamatory or obscene; was not taken by any hidden, surreptitious or illegal means or any other method that violates another person’s privacy or publicity rights; is accurate, genuine and does not depict any event staged for the purpose of making the submission; and is not subject to any other contract, agreement or license.

Complaints and Remedies

We reserve the right to monitor and to investigate any complaints regarding any Content on our websites and to take the appropriate action if Yujyate.org finds any violation of this User Agreement. In the case of any such complaint, Yujyate.org reserves the right to remove the Content complained of. This could result in your Content being removed from our websites for as long as it takes to resolve the dispute.

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You may terminate your membership at any time by sending us your termination request via Contact Us form. Further, Yujyate.org reserves the right to modify or remove anything submitted to Yujyate.org, and to cancel any membership, at any time for any reason without prior notice. Yujyate.org is not obliged to maintain back-up copies of any material submitted or posted on our site.

Actions or activities that may cause termination of your membership and/or removal of your page(s) include, but are not limited to: posting or providing links to any Content which violates this User Agreement; conducting or providing links to any raffle, contest, or game which violates any local, state or national laws; sending any unsolicited advertisement to other users; or using in the registration of your Yujyate.org membership an email account that is not your own or that is or becomes inactive. Yujyate.org is the final arbiter of what is and is not allowed on our site.


Content Disclaimer


Yujyate.org is not responsible for the Content posted by any Yujyate.org member or visitors on any area of our site. The opinions and views expressed by Yujyate.org members or visitors do not necessarily represent those of Yujyate.org and Yujyate.org does not verify, endorse, or vouch for the intent or accuracy of such information.

If you believe that any of the Content posted by our members or visitors violates your proprietary rights, including copyrights, please contact our Designated Agent to Receive Notification of Claimed Infringement identified below.

Infringement Policy

As noted above, Yujyate.org does not allow any material that violates or infringes in any way upon the proprietary rights of others, including, without limitation, copyright or trademark rights. If you do not own the copyright or have express authorization and documented permission to use, adapt or excerpt another person’s writing or images in whole or in part, do not post it on Yujyate.org.

If you have a concern regarding your use of copyrighted material on the Yujyate.org website, please contact Yujyate.org’s agent, designated below, to respond to reports alleging copyright infringement. Yujyate.org reserves the right, but not the obligation, to terminate your license to use the Yujyate.org websites if it determines in its sole and absolute discretion that you are involved in infringing activity, including alleged acts of first-time or repeat infringement, regardless of whether the material or activity is ultimately determined to be infringing. 

All infringement claims regarding any defamatory or infringing activity, whether of a copyright, patent, trademark or other proprietary right must be in writing (either electronic mail or paper letter) and must include the following elements: A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of (1) the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed or (2) the person defamed. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.

Similarly for other types of infringed materials, a list of such materials. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing, to be the subject of infringing activity, or to be defamatory; and that is to be removed or made inaccessible; as well as information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material. Sufficient information to allow us to contact you, such as your address, telephone number, and/ or valid electronic mail address. A statement of your good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright or other proprietary right owner, its agent, or the law. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed or on behalf of the person defamed.

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You agree that all Yujyate.org websites shall be deemed solely based in India. By visiting any website of Yujyate.org you agree that the laws of the Federal Republic of India, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these Conditions of Use and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and Yujyate.org or its affiliates.

Yujyate.org makes no representation that materials on these Services are appropriate or available for use outside of India. Those who choose to access these Services from outside of India do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent that local laws are applicable.

Any dispute relating in any way to your visit to Yujyate.org shall be submitted to confidential arbitration and jurisdiction in Munich, India, except that, to the extent you have in any manner violated or threatened to violate Yujyate.org’s rights, Yujyate.org may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in any other country, and you consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in such courts.


All copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights in and on our websites and all Content and software located on the site shall remain the sole property of Yujyate.org unless otherwise stated. The use of our trademarks, content and intellectual property is forbidden without the express written consent from Yujyate.org. 

You must not:
Sell or rent material from our website. Reproduce, duplicate, create derivative, copy or otherwise exploit material on our website for any purpose. Redistribute any content from our website, including onto another website.

By submitting any Content you grant to Yujyate.org a royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable and non-revocable right and license to use, reproduce, display, publicly, modify, adapt, edit, publish, translate, distribute, perform, play, create derivative works from, exercise and sub-license all associated and relevant rights (including intellectual property rights and publicity rights) with respect to your Content in any media whatsoever, whether now known, or developed in the future (the foregoing license is granted for the entire respective terms of the relevant rights); and to the extent permitted by law, unconditionally and irrevocably waive all moral rights which you may have in your Content. You retain ownership of the copyright in the Content you submitted to Yujyate.org. Furthermore by submitting your Content, you warrant that it: is your own original work and you have the right to grant the rights described above to Yujyate.org; was not produced by you in the course of your employment; does not infringe upon any statutory copyright or upon any common law right, proprietary right, or any other similar right of any third party; does not violate any law, including by the manner in which it was obtained or created; is not libelous, defamatory or obscene; was not taken by any hidden, surreptitious or illegal means or any other method that violates another person’s privacy or publicity rights; is accurate, genuine and does not depict any event staged for the purpose of making the submission; and is not subject to any other contract, agreement or license.