Assume the inverted posture of vipareeta karani asana.
Keeping the legs straight and together, tilt them slightly over the head so that the eyes look straight up at the feet.
Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Fix the awareness at manipura chakra in the spine, directly behind the navel.
This is the starting position. Inhale slowly and deeply with ujjayi pranayama.
Feel the breath and consciousness moving from manipura to vishuddhi chakra situated in the spine, behind the throat pit.
While exhaling, maintain the awareness at vishuddhi. At the end of exhalation, immediately bring the awareness back to manipura and repeat the same process.
Hold for as long as you can and then relax.
People suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, enlarged thyroid or excessive toxins in the body should not perform this practice.
General Benefits
This practice gives all the benefits of vipareeta karani asana.
It balances hypoactive thyroid and acts as a preventative for cough, cold, sore throat and bronchial disorders.
It stimulates the appetite and digestion, and helps relieve constipation. Regular practice prevents atherosclerosis by restoring vascular tone and elasticity.
It relieves prolapse, haemorrhoids, varicose veins and hernia, all of which are exacerbated by the downward pull of gravity.
Circulation to the brain is enhanced, especially to the cerebral cortex and pituitary and pineal glands.
Cerebral insufficiency and senile dementia are counteracted and mental alertness increased.