About Guru

Swami Kuvalayananda (30 August 1883 – 18 April 1966) was a researcher and educator who is primarily known for his pioneering research into the scientific foundations of yoga. He started scientific research on yoga in 1920, and published the first scientific journal specifically devoted to studying yoga, Yoga Mimamsa, in 1924. Most of his research took place at the Kaivalyadhama Health and Yoga Research Center which he also founded in 1924. His influence on modern yoga has been “profound”.


Initiation into Yoga
Kuvalayananda’s first guru was Rajaratna Manikrao, a professor at the Jummadada Vyayamshala in Baroda. From 1907 to 1910, Manikrao trained Kuvalayananda in the Indian System of Physical Education.

In 1919, he met the Bengali yogin, Paramahamsa Madhavdasji, who blessed Kuvalayananda with insights into advanced yogic discipline.

Though Kuvalayananda was spiritually inclined and idealistic, he was, at the same time, a strict rationalist. So, he sought scientific explanations for the various psychophysical effects of Yoga he experienced.  The idea of discovering the scientific basis behind these yogic processes became his life’s work.

Establishing Kaivalyadhama and Yoga Mimamsa
In 1924, Kuvalayananda founded the Kaivalyadhama Health and Yoga Research Center in Lonavla in order to provide a laboratory for his scientific study of Yoga. At the same time, he also started the first scientific journal devoted to scientific investigation into yoga, Yoga Mimamsa.

Later Years..
Besides his yoga research, Swami Kuvalayananda  spent much of his later years opening up new branches of Kaivalyadhama and enhancing the main Kaivalyadhama campus in Lonavla.

Source : https://kdham.com/swami-kuvalayananda/

Date of Birth

August 30, 1883

Place of Birth

Dabhoi, Gujarat

Institution or Organization

Kaivalyadhama Health and Yoga Research Center at Lonavla

About Adi Guru

Swami Kuvalayananda (30 August 1883 – 18 April 1966) was a researcher and educator who is primarily known for his pioneering research into the scientific foundations of yoga. He started scientific research on yoga in 1920, and published the first scientific journal specifically devoted to studying yoga, Yoga Mimamsa, in 1924. Most of his research took place at the Kaivalyadhama Health and Yoga Research Center which he also founded in 1924. His influence on modern yoga has been “profound”.


Initiation into Yoga
Kuvalayananda’s first guru was Rajaratna Manikrao, a professor at the Jummadada Vyayamshala in Baroda. From 1907 to 1910, Manikrao trained Kuvalayananda in the Indian System of Physical Education.

In 1919, he met the Bengali yogin, Paramahamsa Madhavdasji, who blessed Kuvalayananda with insights into advanced yogic discipline.

Though Kuvalayananda was spiritually inclined and idealistic, he was, at the same time, a strict rationalist. So, he sought scientific explanations for the various psychophysical effects of Yoga he experienced.  The idea of discovering the scientific basis behind these yogic processes became his life’s work.

Establishing Kaivalyadhama and Yoga Mimamsa
In 1924, Kuvalayananda founded the Kaivalyadhama Health and Yoga Research Center in Lonavla in order to provide a laboratory for his scientific study of Yoga. At the same time, he also started the first scientific journal devoted to scientific investigation into yoga, Yoga Mimamsa.

Later Years..
Besides his yoga research, Swami Kuvalayananda  spent much of his later years opening up new branches of Kaivalyadhama and enhancing the main Kaivalyadhama campus in Lonavla.

Source : https://kdham.com/swami-kuvalayananda/

Focus of Sadhana and Practice

Yoga Mimamsa

Acheivements & Awards

Jagannath Shankarsheth Sanskrit Scholarship at Baroda College

Founder Of

Kaivalyadhama Health and Yoga Research Center at Lonavla

Literary Works

Asanas, Kaivalyadhama; 1993, Pranayama, Kaivalyadhama; 2005, Vision and Wisdom (letters), Kaivalyadhama

Primary Phone

(+91) 8551092986


Kaivalyadhama Swami Kuvalayananda Marg, Lonavala – 410403

Zip Code






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