Take any comfortable standing or sitting position, or squat.
Relax the whole body.
Tilt the head slightly back. Gently and slowly insert the narrow end of the catheter or waxed end of the thread into whichever nostril is flowing more freely.
As the thread is inserted twist it so that it enters the nostril easily.
Always keep the tip pointing downward towards the floor of the nose. Never push it straight up.
When the thread reaches the back of the throat, insert the index finger and thumb, or the middle and index fingers, into the mouth.
Pull the catheter or thread gently and slowly out through the mouth, leaving a few inches of thread hanging out of the nose.
This action may cause retching at first but with practice it will become easier.
Hold each end of the sutra or catheter with the fingers. Very slowly and gently pull it backward and forward, no more than 15 times on the first attempt.
Remove it slowly through the nose and repeat the process with the opposite nostril.
Practice Keynotes
Focus on relaxing the body and moving the catheter or thread smoothly and slowly.
Cautions and Limitations
Do not use force under any circumstances.
The interior of the nose is very delicate and any undue force could cause damage. After persistent attempts, if the thread or catheter will not pass through the nose, consult an experienced yoga teacher.
Make sure that the sutra is perfectly clean before inserting it into the nostril. It is best not to try sutra neti until jala neti has been perfected.
Those people who suffer from chronic bleeding in the nose should not do sutra neti.
Anyone with nasal ulcers, polyps and severe malformations of the nasal septum or turbinates should first seek the advice of a yogic or ayurvedic doctor.
General Benefits
The benefits are the same as for jala neti. In addition, however, sutra neti can rectify the problem of deviated nasal septum.
If one or both nostrils are not flowing freely due either to deformed bone or fleshy outgrowths, the regular friction of sutra neti causes these obstructions to disappear within a few months.