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Yoga Practice Name


Yoga Practice Branch

Ashtang Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga

Practice Level
Yoga Practice Type
Yoga Asana Type
Ashtang Yoga Category


Hatha Yoga Category


Steps and Description
  1. Sit with the legs stretched forward.
  2. Place the palms on the floor on either side of the body, about 30 cm behind the buttocks.
  3. The elbows should be straight, the fingers pointing back and the trunk slightly reclined.
  4. Raise the buttocks and lift the body upward.
  5. Let the head hang back and down. Try to place the soles of the feet flat on the ground.
  6. Keep the arms and legs straight. Hold the final position for as long as is comfortable.
  7. Return to the starting position and relax.
Practice Keynotes
  • Legs should be equally stretched and knees should not be bent.
  • Tilt the head freely backwards, without any tension.
Cautions and Limitations
  • Avoid facial contortions and excessive shaking of the body.
  • Proceed carefully and only under expert guidance.
  • At the slightest sign of discomfort, reduce the duration of practice and, if necessary, discontinue the practice for the day.
  • Practice should never be rushed.
  • Don't do it if you have any injury or back pain.
General Benefits
  • Strengthens the back, shoulders, abdominal muscles and arms.
  • It is generally strengthening and, in addition, tones the lumbar region of the spine and the achilles tendons.
Benefits for Disease


Body and Organ Affected

Neck, Shoulder, Elbow, Arm, Chest, Armpit, Forearm, Wrist, Back, Ankle, Waist, Abdomen, Hip, Leg, Thigh, Knee, Foot, Hand

Other Names

Setu Asana
