Stand with the spine erect, feet together and hands beside
the body.
Distribute the weight of the body evenly on both feet.
Slowly bend forward, first bending the head, taking the chin towards the chest, then bending the upper trunk, relaxing the shoulders forward and letting the arms go limp.
Bend the mid-trunk and finally the lower trunk.
While bending forward, imagine that the body has no bones or muscles. Do not strain or force the body.
Place the fingers underneath the toes or bring the palms to the floor beside the feet. If this is not possible, bring the fingertips as near to the floor as possible.
Relax the back of the neck and try to bring the forehead to try to bring the forehead to
the knees.
In the final position the body is bent forward with the knees straight and the forehead touching the knees.
Practice Keynotes
Keep your knees straight.
Keep your arms, shoulders and back stretch.
Try to get your chest close to your thighs.
Cautions and Limitations
Go gently into the final position.
Avoid facial contortions and excessive shaking of the body.
Proceed carefully and only under expert guidance.
At the slightest sign of discomfort, reduce the duration of practice and, if necessary, discontinue the practice for the day.
Practice should never be rushed.
Don't do this asana if you are suffering from any injury.