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Yoga Practice Name


English Name

Fish Pose

Yoga Practice Branch

Ashtang Yoga, Hatha Yoga

Practice Level
Yoga Practice Type
Yoga Asana Type
Ashtang Yoga Category


Hatha Yoga Category


Steps and Description
  1. Sit in padmasana and relax the whole body.
  2. Carefully bend backward, supporting the body with the arms and elbows. Lift the chest slightly, take the head back and lower the crown of the head to the floor.
  3. Hold the big toes and rest the elbows on the floor.
  4. Adjust the position of the head so that the maximum arch of the back is attained.
  5. Relax the arms and the whole body, allowing the head, buttocks, and legs to support the weight of the body. Close the eyes and breathe slowly and deeply.
  6. Return to the starting position and relax.
Practice Keynotes
  • Stretch your legs by the hands holding your toes.
  • Your elbows should be on the ground.
Cautions and Limitations
  • Go gently into the final position.
  • Don't push your head backward too much.
  • Avoid facial contortions and excessive shaking of the body.
  • Proceed carefully and only under expert guidance.
  • At the slightest sign of discomfort, reduce the duration of practice and, if necessary, discontinue the practice for the day.
  • Practice should never be rushed.
  • Don't do this asana if you have any injury.
  • Avoid this asana in condition of head ache.
Complimentary Practice


General Benefits
  • Stretches the intestines and abdominal organs and is useful for all abdominal ailments.
  • This practice is very good for asthma and bronchitis as it encourages deep respiration.
  • Strengthens the upper back and neck.
  • Improves the respiratory system.
  • Good for throats.
  • This asana recirculates stagnant blood in the back, alleviating backache and cervical spondylitis.
Benefits for Disease


Body and Organ Affected

Head, Neck, Elbow, Arm, Chest, Forearm, Back, Toes, Ankle, Abdomen, Hip, Leg, Thigh, Knee, Foot, Hand
