Kabir Baug Math Sanstha located in Narayan Peth of Pune is a renowned Trust, which is aimed at providing Sun Jeevan (Rejuvenation) Yoga Treatment for various diseases and ailments. Founded in 1989 by Dr. S.V.Karandikar who is pioneering inventor of Sanjeevan Yoga Treatment, the institute hails a record of successfully treating lakhs of patients in 25 years. The treatment is based on different 'asanas' of Hath Yoga and purely medicine - less. The aim of this treatment is to provide a helath protection to human body against various diseases and aliments. The range of health problems which can be treated by the treatment includes heart - disease, high blood pressure, diabeties, asthama, backache, knee pain, lumber pain, physically handicaps like paralysis, polio, cerebralpalsy etc. rheumatism, health problems of women and mental disorders like depression, anxiety. A large number of patients have been treated by this treatment and got the feeling of liveliness. This treatment has successeded to restore health and youthful vigor in many lives of patients.
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