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Yoga Practice Name


English Name

Cow Face Pose

Yoga Practice Branch

Ashtang Yoga, Hatha Yoga

Practice Level
Yoga Practice Type
Yoga Asana Type
Ashtang Yoga Category


Hatha Yoga Category


Steps and Description
  1. Sit in dhyana, veer asana so that the right knee is directly above the left knee.
  2. Place the left arm behind the back and the right arm over the right shoulder.
  3. The back of the left hand should lie in contact with the spine while the palm of the right hand rests against the spine.
  4. Try to hold the fingers of both hands behind the back.
  5. Bring the raised elbow behind the head so that the head presses against the inside of the raised arm.
  6. The spine should be erect and the head back. Close the eyes.
  7. Unfold the hands, straighten the legs and repeat with the left knee uppermost and the left arm over the left shoulder.
Practice Keynotes
  • Spine should be erect.
  • Hands should be touched at the back.
Cautions and Limitations
  • Avoid facial contortions and excessive shaking of the body.
  • Proceed carefully and only under expert guidance.
  • At the slightest sign of discomfort, reduce the duration of practice and, if necessary, discontinue the practice for the day.
  • Practice should never be rushed.
General Benefits
  • Strengthens the abdomen.
  • Expand the lungs.
  • Tones the arms and shoulder muscles.
  • Relives the ankle pain.
Benefits for Disease

Depression, Eating disorders

Body and Organ Affected

Shoulder, Elbow, Arm, Chest, Armpit, Forearm, Wrist, Back, Ankle, Waist, Abdomen, Hip, Leg, Thigh, Knee, Foot
