
Yoga Therapy is a means to utilize the various tools of yoga: intelligent movement, breath, meditation, visualization, and life-style to facilitate an individual’s healing process. Essential Yoga Therapy offers a gentle, therapeutic orientation to yoga that is supportive of those with limited mobility. The spring board for developing our programs arises from the same fundamental teaching of yoga: That we bear responsibility for reducing suffering in ourselves; and once we have achieved a level of health we are to be in service to others. Whether you are entering our door as a client or a student-teacher, the EYT orientation will help you to grow in wisdom and self-awareness, assisting you in living a more conscious, joyful and fulfilling life.

Primary Contact Name

Robin Rothenberg

Primary Contact Designation


Primary Phone

+1 425 222-6350

Primary Email

Fall City

Zip Code



United States of America

Operation Location(s)

Single Center

Operational Months

All Year

Affiliation / Accreditation

Yoga Alliance, IAYT

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