
Coby Kozlowski, MA, E-RYT, is leading the revolution of inspired action and skillful living; author of One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes, senior faculty at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health and Esalen Institute, a fierce life coach trainer and contemporary yoga and meditation educator, passionate about personal leadership and dedicated to freedom of the heart and mind. She has appeared on the cover of Yoga Journal and the cover of Mantra Magazine, and was named as “one of the 7 yoga teachers who have changed the practice [of yoga]”. A reality shifter who empowers others to dismantle limiting beliefs and to skillfully engage with life. She has energy that draws you in and offers tangible nuggets of wisdom that leave you inspired and ready to jump start your life without punishing yourself along the way. Sought after for her heartfelt humor, illuminating wisdom, and powerful punch to wake up and start LIVING. She considers herself a wave rider and guide to help others navigate the waters of life.

Primary Contact Name

Coby Kozlowski

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+1 212-597-9200

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El Segundo

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United States of America

Operation Location(s)

Single Center

Operational Months

All Year

Affiliation / Accreditation

Yoga Alliance

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