AyurYoga Eco-Ashram is a unique green project in India, where the love for Mother Nature goes along with the passion to improve the internal environment within our body-mind through Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality. We believe that the environmental damages we see around are the reflections of our own messed up minds, not knowing what to do with life or having no control on our body-mind. However, we don’t want to scare the people with the future of humanity with all statistics and sadness around. Nor do we want to simplify the complexities of modern economics by asking people to give up their basic right to enjoy the simple joys of human life. Instead, we want to give a positive experience of living in harmony with nature and an opportunity to reflect on nature of Self and our purpose in Life. We believe that the guests coming to our ashram are wise enough to connect with Nature, both internal and external, and choose an eco-friendly lifestyle naturally.
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