Welcome to Ashwin College of Āyurveda, Yoga and Vedic Sciences. Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद) and Vedic Sciences is the oldest sciences in the world for experiencing life with purpose, health, wealth, and awareness. Āyurveda is a highly individualized system of self-inquiry and self-healing. Āyurveda, in Sanskrit, means science of life. Āyurveda is popularly known for its success in healing physical and mental diseases; however, it is truly the science on how to live life balanced in body, mind, and spirit and in harmony with others. Moveover, Āyurveda firmly states that each individual must self-realize or find their true “Self”, to live a healthy & balanced lifestyle free from inappropriate habits, routines, and/or addictions. Everyone welcome, blessings, namaste.
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