To explore, know and learn all about Ayurveda was a major decision in her life. Two significant experiences led her to the path of Ayurvedic Medicine. First, she was a dancer, choreographer, group fitness instructor and fitness instructor trainer for over 25 years. This required her to manage her health for professional reasons, but it was not easy to avoid injuries and they kept occurring. In 2003, she suffered a serious injury in her lumbar spine and hip joints. Her doctor suggested that surgery was the only option. She refused and determined to treat and rehabilitate herself through the use of Oriental medicine such as Chinese acupuncture, Japanese osteopathy and Ayurveda. She also started yoga and Pilates. After one year, she had a complete recovery and she definitely felt better than before. She visited her doctor to learn how she had healed but he could not provide her with a convincing answer.
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