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Kundalini is a form of divine feminine energy located at the base of the spine in our root chakra (Muladhara Chakra) This concept of kundalini comes from Shaivism (Lord Shiva). It is believed to be a force of power associated with the formless aspect of the divine feminine (Goddess), when this energy properly gets cultivated & awakened in our body through some of the ancient hatha yoga & tantric techniques, it leads us to fulfillment and spiritual liberation. This technique very well-practiced around 8th and 9th century into the one community which called Natha Community, it used to be practice in ancient Vedic system and in modern days it is also being practice in many schools of yoga- Bihar School of Yoga, Kundalini can be awakened by various methods through Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Breathing Techniques, Pranayama, Chanting Mantras, Yantras. For ages yogis, seers, sages, gurus, enlightened masters have been practicing yoga to generate a tremendous amount of energy to bring a complete transformation within ourselves finding a deeper connection and enhance over the spiritual process.

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D'vine Yoga School

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D'vine yoga is the yoga of awakening and cultivating love toward the divine and every living being around us. Through yoga practice, we come to this understanding and realization that to live a happy, healthy, peaceful, and successful life, is to let the divine permeate and guide your life to become whole. Let the D'vine descend and dawn in you, let it flow through you, shine, brighten, and lead your life.

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Mar 01
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