
Due to wrong notions and habits, our breathing becomes disturbed and haphazard. That results in reducing the free flow of air through the respiratory tract and even affects the respiratory centers controlling breathing. Hence, the first step in Yoga to gain mastery is through cleansing processes called Kriyas.

The kriyas are used to balance the three doshas or humor in the body: Kapha, mucus; pitta, bile; and Vata, wind. According to both Ayurveda and hatha yoga, an imbalance of the doshas will result in illness. These practices are also used before pranayama and other higher yoga practices to purify the body of toxins and to ensure safe and successful progression along the spiritual path. These powerful techniques should never be learned from books or taught by inexperienced people. According to the tradition, only those instructed by a guru may teach others. It is essential to be personally instructed as to how and when to perform them according to individual needs.  


मैदा श्लेष माधिकाः पूर्वं षटकर्माणी समाचरेत।

अन्यस्तु नचारेत्तनि दोषनां समभाववतः।

Meda shlesh maadhikaha poorvam shatkarmaani samaacharet

Anyastu naacharettaani doshaanaam samabhaavataha

When fat or mucus is excessive, the shatkarmas or six cleansing techniques should be practiced before (pranayama). Others, in whom the doshas (i.e. phlegm, wind, and bile) are balanced, need not do them


The information presented here is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This information should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treat any health, medical or physical condition. Please consult and follow your healthcare professional or therapists before beginning an exercise or Yoga regime. content is a presentation of theoretical knowledge of the practice methods, effects, contraindications, benefits, etc.

Also, please read all the contraindications carefully. All Yoga practices must be learned and performed under the supervision and the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher, therapist, or school.

Each asana can have its variations practiced by different yoga teachers or schools or traditions, and we do not suggest any variations to be technically correct or wrong.

Any practice must be undertaken based on individual capacity and comfort. Yoga practices are not meant to cause strain on the body,  just as any physical exercise comfort level improves over time. We do not recommend any time or cycles to be followed. Stop the practice immediately if it causes discomfort. Yoga practices are not recommended for at least one hour  before or after a meal.

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