A listing is a profile of an Organization, Institution, Business’s or an Individual service provider on Yujyate.org. It contains detailed information about the Institutions, Events, Coursers, Retreats, Reviews and Photos and much more. This page also contains additional information service provider such as management profile, photos, and videos  etc.

Currently, Yujyate.org provides listing for Organization profile (Places),  Events, Coursers, Retreats and Jobs offered by participating community.

You can create a listing directly on our website by creating a log-in and selecting a package.  Alternatively, you contact us as [email protected] and our customer service will walk you though the entire process.

ll profile Listing are valid for one year from the date of initial entry. After the completion of the year you will receive a notification to update/upgrade your listing information for the following year.  Event, Course and Job listing have specific expiry date as per the listing provider.

We strive to provide general public and our members with great service,  and keep information updated and most relevant. Paid membership benefits associated with listing expire after one year, unless the membership is renewed.

It usually takes 24-48 hours for reviews to be visible on our site. It may take up to several days if your review requires a closer look by our editors. This may happen if you attach a large number of photos to your review, or bend or break our review guidelines. 

After you submit your review, you will see the review title on the Reviews page of your profile, and it will be marked pending. When your review is published, we’ll send you an e-mail.

If we can’t post your review, we’ll notify you with the reason why. Please note that in some cases we will also send an e-mail asking you to verify your review before we publish it, and you must click on the link in the verification e-mail to complete this process.

Most reviews are posted within 24-48 hours. If a review is flagged by another user for a closer look, it can take few weeks to process, especially during our busiest seasons. As a free service to travelers, we do our best to manage publishing speed and quality. We base our decisions on what our members will find helpful and relevant.

Some listing that take longer to appear on our site include content that falls outside our posting guidelines. For instance:

– attacks profanity, threats or language that is not business and user-friendly and unlawful.
– Wrong Information were submitted for the Place, Events, Courses, Jobs Etc.

Listing requests are rejected because of one of the following reasons:
– Our editors cannot verify that the place or business meets our guidelines. This is due to insufficient information online.
– Our editors determined that the place or business does NOT meet our guidelines.

You may edit and resubmit the listing with changes which would essentially go for second review. Kindly log in to your account at Yujyate.org & select Your listing. once you are able to locate your listing you can select the same to update the information. Once the update information has been successfully submitted you will receive a confirmation mail from us.

  • We don’t allow media that is pornographic or vulgar. We reject photos that include graphic violence or contain other content that is not appropriate for our community.
  • No images or videos from other sources. No images or videos that infringe on any copyright, trademark or other legal property rights.
  • We do not allow photos posted to a property listing which contain logos, promotional material or any other content intended for commercial purposes.
  • We respect both your privacy and the privacy of the businesses we list. Photos will not be accepted when taken at a location where photography is prohibited.
  • Photos must relate directly to the Institution to which it is submitted, so please ensure you are adding your images to the correct listing on YujYate.Org. If you post content to a specific listing on our site, it must be for an Institution, Courses, Events, Retreats & accommodation that meets our listing requirements.
  • Media files must not be contaminated or infected with a virus or any other corruption that is either intended to damage or may result in damage to the computers and systems of YujYate.Org and/or those using it.
  • Help the audience to get the most out of your photos and videos by submitting quality content.
  • Photos should not:
  • be blurry, dark or otherwise difficult to view.
  • be altered in any way that distorts the scene being depicted.
  • be upside down or sideways. Please rotate photos in our photo uploader if they are sideways.
  • Additional guidance specific to photos:
  • Photos should not exceed 1 MB in size (up to 5 MB for Institution, Courses, Events, Retreats & accommodation ).
  • Photos must be in .gif, .jpg, .bmp or .png format.
  • Photo landscape layout (wider than tall) will generally look better than portrait layout (more tall than wide). We recommend a photos aspect ratio between 1:1 and 4:3.
  • Photos will be scaled to fit the standard display boxes on our site.

Please follow the process as below: 

Step 1 : Register on Yujyate.org

Step 2 : Find your Establishment on Yujyate Website

Step 3 : Find and Click on the “Claim this Listing” button on top of establishment listing page, which then takes you to “Verification Form”

Step 4 : Complete and Submit all the information on the “Verification form”. 

Next Step : Once we receive and verify your information, we will assign the access of listing information to your Registration login that you created in Step 1.  You will receive a confirmation email when this process is completed.  Thereafter, you will be able to login and modify the pre-existing information along with addition of more information like images, videos.  Please note that detailed and up-to-date information about your organization on yujyate.org will greatly enhance your visibility to your target audience.