Yujyate – The Union​

Yujyate - The Union

Yuj is a Sanskrit word and the literal meaning of the verbal root Yuj is joining, controlling or state of unity. In scriptural philosophy of yoga, it means joining of Jivātmā (individual self consciousness) with Paramātmā (universal Brahman – Supreme  consciousness). “Yujyate” is the process of awakening of Jivātmā  to the ultimate reality of Paramātmā (Supreme  consciousness).

युज्यते अनेन इति योगः॥

Yujyate anena iti yogaḥ॥

Yoga is that which joins. 

The word “Yujyate” has been noted in Bhagwad Gita as-

एतां विभूतिं योगं च मम यो वेत्ति तत्त्वत:

सोऽविकम्पेन योगेन युज्यते नात्र संशय: || BG 10.7||

etāṁ vibhūtiṁ yogaṁ cha mama yo vetti tattvataḥ

so’vikampena yogena yujyate nātra sanśhayaḥ

Without doubt, anyone who know in truth my  glories and divine powers become united with me through unwavering Bhakti-yog.

सद्भावे साधुभावे च सदित्येतत्प्रयुज्यते

प्रशस्ते कर्मणि तथा सच्छब्द: पार्थ युज्यते || 17.26 ||

यज्ञे तपसि दाने च स्थिति: सदिति चोच्यते

कर्म चैव तदर्थीयं सदित्येवाभिधीयते || 17.27||

sad-bhāve sādhu-bhāve cha sad ity etat prayujyate

praśhaste karmaṇi tathā sach-chhabdaḥ pārtha yujyate

yajñe tapasi dāne cha sthitiḥ sad iti chochyate

karma chaiva tad-arthīyaṁ sad ity evābhidhīyate

The word “Sat” means eternal existence, cosmic divinity and goodness and it describes an auspicious action. Performance of Sattvic(Pure) deeds like sacrifice, penance, thoughts,  actions, rites and charity, is also described as  “Sat”.

In Sanskrit grammar ‘yujyate’ is also used to describe other actions such as –

yujyate { yuj }

be fitted for

yujyate { yuj }

attach one’s self to

yujyate { yuj }

accrue to

yujyate { yuj }

belong to or suit any one

yujyate { yuj }

be made ready or prepared for

yujyate { yuj }

fall to the lot of

yujyate { yuj }

deserve to be

yujyate { yuj }

be united in marriage

yujyate { yuj }

be fit or proper or suitable or right

yujyate { yuj }

not to be fit or proper for or to

yujyate { yuj }

be endowed with or possessed of

yujyate { yuj }

suit anything

yujyate { yuj }

be yoked or harnessed or joined

yujyate { yuj }

come into conjunction with


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