YogaTi Salud Inc. Is a purely Puerto Rican company founded on July 15, 2009 under the laws of Puerto Rico and located on Highway 1 in Caguas, Puerto Rico. YogaTi Salud aims to maximize the lives of people on the physical, emotional and spiritual plane, through Yoga Therapy, Workshops, Circles of Intent and Circles of Success that are intended to reduce or eliminate stress, see change as an opportunity, increase leadership techniques, improve finances and start your small business. YogaTi Salud specializes in improving people's lives by achieving total changes in attitude, thought and action. YogaTi Healthprovides individual and group improvement. We help you to realize what is the dream you want to achieve and we teach you the techniques to achieve it. We also have individual and group "coaching" services, with certified coaches who will take you by the hand to make your life's dream come true.
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