The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU) is a State Legislated private University and has evolved from 24 years of pioneering work of the Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT). All the programs seeded during 1993-2014 by FRLHT have been adopted by TDU and are today being expanded. TDU was established as an innovation-centered University focused on designing and delivering research, outreach and education focused on social transformation aligned to emerging and futuristic needs. A first of its kind in India, TDU’s uniqueness stems from the fact that while the University itself has core strength in Ayurveda-Biology, Clinical medicine, Medicinal plants systematics, Plant Genomics, Data Sciences, Local Health Traditions,
TDU ecosystem has the capacity to offer programs that combine subjects related to natural and social sciences, design,
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