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Yoga Practice Name

Setu Bandhasana

Yoga Practice Branch

Ashtang Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga

Practice Level
Yoga Practice Type
Yoga Asana Type
Ashtang Yoga Category


Hatha Yoga Category


Steps and Description
  1. Lie in spine position and take a few deep breathes.
  2. Fold your knees, keeping your arms, neck and feet on the ground lift your spine and buttock off the ground.
  3. Keep your hands lying on the floor stretched.
  4. Hold the position for as long as you can.
  5. Then return to the starting position and relax.
Practice Keynotes

Keep your hands stretched or try to hold the ankles by your hands.

When lifting your body your knees should be in 90 degrees.

Cautions and Limitations
  • Avoid facial contortions and excessive shaking of the body.
  • Proceed carefully and only under expert guidance.
  • At the slightest sign of discomfort, reduce the duration of practice and, if necessary, discontinue the practice for the day.
  • Practice should never be rushed.
  • Don't do this asana if you have any injury.
  • Avoid this asana if you have cervical pain.
Complimentary Practice


General Benefits
  • Strengthens the back and shoulder muscles.
  • Improves the urinary system.
  • Tones the leg and arm muscles.
Benefits for Disease

Depression, Eating disorders

Body and Organ Affected

Head, Neck, Shoulder, Arm, Chest, Armpit, Forearm, Back, Ankle, Waist, Abdomen, Hip, Leg, Thigh, Knee, Foot, Hand
